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Malayna Dawn was raised in Unity - a positive path for spiritual living that honors all religions and spiritual philosophies. 


With a Sri Lankan Moslem father and a blue-eyed blonde American mother, she always gravitated toward people with mixed backgrounds, eager to learn the similarities between all cultures and beliefs. 


Earning a Bachelor of Arts in Communications with an emphasis on intercultural studies and comparitive religions, she has worked as a freelance writer and speaker, specializing on the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures.  This is reflected in her articles and in her spiritual adventure novel, Echoes Across Time.


Currently, she is the cohost of a talk show on Unity Online Radio called Pop Conscious: Where Pop Culture and Spirituality Unite, which examine the spiritual and life lessons found in entertainment and the media.


Since becoming ordained in 1996 with Universal Life Church, she is now working toward a ministerial license with Unity.



About  Malayna

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